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          追求技術創新 | ABOUT US

          肯泰特機械 ( 上海 ) 有限公司

          ABOUT US

          肯泰特機械 ( 上海 ) 有限公司,專業制造銷售工程塑料拖鏈、鋼制拖鏈、拖鏈電纜。在韓國已有三十多年的經營歷史,是韓國三星重工、LG 電子、現代汽車、大宇造船等著名企業的專業配套商,產品遠銷歐美、東南亞等十幾個國家和地區,公司于2005年5月在上海成立,致力于不斷增長的中國市場。公司自主研制開發多項產品,榮獲了多項專利,并獲得了CE國際認證,2015年通過了IS09001 /:2015質量體系認證(英國 UKAS)。產品廣泛應用于機床、造船、橋梁、工程機械、機車車輛、化工、海工、鋼結構自動化生產線等行業??咸┨貦C械 ( 上海 ) 有限公司本著:開拓創新、追求卓越、誠摯守信、優良服務的經營理念,愿與國內的企業共同發展,提供高科技、高品質、高效率的產品做出貢獻。


          Koduct Machinery (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. was established in Shanghai in 2005, specializing in the production of engineering cable track, steel chains, and drag chain cables. Our products have been supplied to renowned companies such as Samsung Heavy Industry, LG Electric, Hyundai Vehicle, and Daewoo Shipbuilding. Additionally, our products are exported to various countries in Europe and Southeast Asia. Over the years, our company has developed numerous patented products and has received international certifications such as CE certification and ISO 9001:2015 quality management system certification. Our products were primarily utilized in industries including lathe manufacturing, shipbuilding, bridge construction, engineering machinery production, rolling stock manufacturing, chemistry industry applications,and steel structure development. Koduct Machinery (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. is committed to continuous development and innovation while striving for excellence with integrity and honor by providing exceptional services. We aim to collaborate with domestic enterprises for mutual growth and contribute towards delivering high-tech,h high-quality,and highly efficient products.

          • 韓國工廠和研究所

          • 上海工廠

          • 產品展廳

          • 工廠環境


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